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  1. American Physical Therapy Association.

  2. American Medical Association.

  3. Andrews University Physical Therapy Programs.

  4. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy.

  5. About Physical Therapy.

  6. Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

  7. Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy.

  8. Michigan Physical Therapy Association.

  9. Physical Therapy Magazine.

  10. PT Central.

  11. Physical Therapist Online.

  12. Physical Therapy Resources (Marquette University).

  13. PT Students.com.

  14. Physical Therapy Web Space.

  15. Physical Therapy WWW Page.

  16. Physiotherapy Global-Links.

  17. Physiotherapy.

  18. State Licensing Agencies.

  19. US Department of Labor - Physical Therapy.

  20. US National Library of Medicine.

  21. YAHOO Physical Therapy Search.

  22. Physical Therapy Journal.

  23. PT Magazine.

  24. MEDLINE database search.

  25. The National Athletic Trainers' Association.

  26. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

  27. Kansas Physical Therapy Association.

  28. The University of Kansas Medical Center.

Legislative Contacts

  1. State of Kansas.

  2. Kansas State Board of Healing Arts.

  3. Kansas Legislature.


  1. Medicaid.

  2. Medicare.

  3. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA).

Foundation Sciences

  1. Center for Disease Control.

  2. Diagnostic Imaging for the Physical Therapist.

  3. Drugs and Medicines-HEALTH Square.

  4. Drug InfoNet.

  5. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences.

  6. MedicineNet.com.

  7. Muscles in Action.

  8. Muscle Charts of the Human Body.

  9. Muscle Physiology Home Page (Univ of Cal. San Diego).

  10. Physiology Online.

  11. The Whole Brain Atlas.

Clinical and Physical Therapy Education

  1. 12 Essential Geriatric Medicine Clinical Skills.

  2. Explorations in Learning & Instruction.

  3. Ethics and Physical Therapy.

  4. Learning Theories.

  5. Learning Theory Fun house.

  6. Netting the Evidence - A SCHARR Introduction to Evidence Based Practice.

  7. Physiotherapy Evidence Database - PEDro.

  8. Rehab Edge - Physical Therapy Community.

  9. Teaching Tips Index.

General Medicine

  1. AVERT AIDS/HIV Education & Research.

  2. CDC - Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.

  3. Health Services/Technology Assessment.

  4. Advances in Skin & Wound Care: The Journal for Prevention and Healing.

  5. National Cancer Institute.

  6. Oncolink.

  7. Orthotics and Prosthetics Online.

  8. Wound Care Information Network.

  9. Wound Care Institute.

  10. Web MD.


  1. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Online.

  2. American College of Cardiology.

  3. American College of Chest Physicians.

  4. American Lung Association.

  5. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.

  6. Cardiopulmonary Section - APTA.

  7. Respiratory Tract Diseases.


  1. American Academy of Neurology.

  2. American Spinal Injury Association.

  3. Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.

  4. Hardin Medical Directory - Neuroscience.

  5. Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.

  6. Neurology Section - APTA.

  7. Neuromuscular Disease Center.

  8. Neuropathology website.

  9. Neuroscience on the Internet.

  10. Neuroscience Web Search.

  11. Parkinsons's Disease Rating Scale.

  12. Post-Polio-Med.

  13. Post-Polio Syndrome Central.

  14. Spasticity Examination Rating Scales.

  15. Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale.

  16. Stroke Scale Definitions - NIH.


  1. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

  2. American Council on Exercise.

  3. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.

  4. American Sports Medicine Institute.

  5. Biomechanics Magazine.

  6. The Best of Biomechanics.

  7. Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy.

  8. Hardin Medical Directory - Orthopedics.

  9. Manual Therapy Online.

  10. National Atheletic Trainers' Association.

  11. National Strength and Conditioning Association.

  12. North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT).

  13. Orthopedic Section - APTA.

  14. Physician and Sportsmedicine Online.

  15. Southern California Orthopedic Institute.

  16. Spine - Health.com.


  1. American Academy of Pediatrics.

  2. Hardin Medical Directory - Pediatrics.

  3. Pediatric Interactive Digital Library.

  4. Peds Computer & Internet Resources - AAP.

  5. Pediatric Section - APTA.

Related Topics

  1. Senior Guidance.

  2. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

  3. Centers for Disease Control.

  4. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

  5. Hardin Medical Directory.

  6. Healthfinder (Dept of HHS).

  7. National Institutes of Health.

  8. Occupational Safety & Health Administration.

  9. Occupational Therapy Home Page,

  10. Medicalstudent.com.

  11. The Virtual Hospital.

  12. WWW Virtual Library.

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